window.theme = window.theme || {}; window.slate = window.slate || {}; /* ================ SLATE ================ */ theme.Sections = function Sections() { this.constructors = {}; this.instances = []; }; theme.Sections.prototype = _.assignIn({}, theme.Sections.prototype, { _createInstance: function(container, constructor) { var $container = $(container); var id = $container.attr('data-section-id'); var type = $container.attr('data-section-type'); constructor = constructor || this.constructors[type]; if (_.isUndefined(constructor)) { return; } var instance = _.assignIn(new constructor(container), { id: id, type: type, container: container }); this.instances.push(instance); }, _onSectionLoad: function(evt) { var container = $('[data-section-id]',[0]; if (container) { this._createInstance(container); } }, _onSectionUnload: function(evt) { this.instances = _.filter(this.instances, function(instance) { var isEventInstance = === evt.detail.sectionId; if (isEventInstance) { if (_.isFunction(instance.onUnload)) { instance.onUnload(evt); } } return !isEventInstance; }); }, _onSelect: function(evt) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow var instance = _.find(this.instances, function(instance) { return === evt.detail.sectionId; }); if (!_.isUndefined(instance) && _.isFunction(instance.onSelect)) { instance.onSelect(evt); } }, _onDeselect: function(evt) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow var instance = _.find(this.instances, function(instance) { return === evt.detail.sectionId; }); if (!_.isUndefined(instance) && _.isFunction(instance.onDeselect)) { instance.onDeselect(evt); } }, _onBlockSelect: function(evt) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow var instance = _.find(this.instances, function(instance) { return === evt.detail.sectionId; }); if (!_.isUndefined(instance) && _.isFunction(instance.onBlockSelect)) { instance.onBlockSelect(evt); } }, _onBlockDeselect: function(evt) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow var instance = _.find(this.instances, function(instance) { return === evt.detail.sectionId; }); if (!_.isUndefined(instance) && _.isFunction(instance.onBlockDeselect)) { instance.onBlockDeselect(evt); } }, register: function(type, constructor) { this.constructors[type] = constructor; $('[data-section-type=' + type + ']').each( function(index, container) { this._createInstance(container, constructor); }.bind(this) ); } }); window.slate = window.slate || {}; /** * iFrames * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Wrap videos in div to force responsive layout. * * @namespace iframes */ slate.rte = { wrapTable: function() { $('.rte table').wrap('
'); }, iframeReset: function() { var $iframeVideo = $( '.rte iframe[src*=""], .rte iframe[src*="player.vimeo"]' ); var $iframeReset = $iframeVideo.add('.rte iframe#admin_bar_iframe'); $iframeVideo.each(function() { // Add wrapper to make video responsive $(this).wrap('
'); }); $iframeReset.each(function() { // Re-set the src attribute on each iframe after page load // for Chrome's "incorrect iFrame content on 'back'" bug. // // Need to specifically target video and admin bar this.src = this.src; }); } }; window.slate = window.slate || {}; /** * A11y Helpers * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A collection of useful functions that help make your theme more accessible * to users with visual impairments. * * * @namespace a11y */ slate.a11y = { /** * For use when focus shifts to a container rather than a link * eg for In-page links, after scroll, focus shifts to content area so that * next `tab` is where user expects if focusing a link, just $link.focus(); * * @param {JQuery} $element - The element to be acted upon */ pageLinkFocus: function($element) { var focusClass = 'js-focus-hidden'; $element .first() .attr('tabIndex', '-1') .focus() .addClass(focusClass) .one('blur', callback); function callback() { $element .first() .removeClass(focusClass) .removeAttr('tabindex'); } }, /** * If there's a hash in the url, focus the appropriate element */ focusHash: function() { var hash = window.location.hash; // is there a hash in the url? is it an element on the page? if (hash && document.getElementById(hash.slice(1))) { this.pageLinkFocus($(hash)); } }, /** * When an in-page (url w/hash) link is clicked, focus the appropriate element */ bindInPageLinks: function() { $('a[href*=#]').on( 'click', function(evt) { this.pageLinkFocus($(evt.currentTarget.hash)); }.bind(this) ); }, /** * Traps the focus in a particular container * * @param {object} options - Options to be used * @param {jQuery} options.$container - Container to trap focus within * @param {jQuery} options.$elementToFocus - Element to be focused when focus leaves container * @param {string} options.namespace - Namespace used for new focus event handler */ trapFocus: function(options) { var eventName = options.namespace ? 'focusin.' + options.namespace : 'focusin'; if (!options.$elementToFocus) { options.$elementToFocus = options.$container; } options.$container.attr('tabindex', '-1'); options.$elementToFocus.focus(); $(document).on(eventName, function(evt) { if ( options.$container[0] !== && !options.$container.has( ) { options.$container.focus(); } }); }, /** * Removes the trap of focus in a particular container * * @param {object} options - Options to be used * @param {jQuery} options.$container - Container to trap focus within * @param {string} options.namespace - Namespace used for new focus event handler */ removeTrapFocus: function(options) { var eventName = options.namespace ? 'focusin.' + options.namespace : 'focusin'; if (options.$container && options.$container.length) { options.$container.removeAttr('tabindex'); } $(document).off(eventName); } }; /** * Currency Helpers * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A collection of useful functions that help with currency formatting * * Current contents * - formatMoney - Takes an amount in cents and returns it as a formatted dollar value. * * Alternatives * - Accounting.js - * */ theme.Currency = (function() { var moneyFormat = '${{amount}}'; // eslint-disable-line camelcase function formatMoney(cents, format) { if (typeof cents === 'string') { cents = cents.replace('.', ''); } var value = ''; var placeholderRegex = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/; var formatString = format || moneyFormat; function formatWithDelimiters(number, precision, thousands, decimal) { thousands = thousands || ','; decimal = decimal || '.'; if (isNaN(number) || number === null) { return 0; } number = (number / 100.0).toFixed(precision); var parts = number.split('.'); var dollarsAmount = parts[0].replace( /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + thousands ); var centsAmount = parts[1] ? decimal + parts[1] : ''; return dollarsAmount + centsAmount; } switch (formatString.match(placeholderRegex)[1]) { case 'amount': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2); break; case 'amount_no_decimals': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0); break; case 'amount_with_comma_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, '.', ','); break; case 'amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, '.', ','); break; case 'amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ' '); break; case 'amount_with_apostrophe_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, "'"); break; } return formatString.replace(placeholderRegex, value); } return { formatMoney: formatMoney }; })(); theme.Images = (function() { function preload(images, size) { if (typeof images === 'string') { images = [images]; } for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { var image = images[i]; this.loadImage(this.getSizedImageUrl(image, size)); } } function loadImage(path) { new Image().src = path; } /** * Swaps the src of an image for another OR returns the imageURL to the callback function * @param image * @param element * @param callback */ function switchImage(image, element, callback) { var size = this.imageSize(element.src); var imageUrl = this.getSizedImageUrl(image.src, size); if (callback) { callback(imageUrl, image, element); // eslint-disable-line callback-return } else { element.src = imageUrl; } } function imageSize(src) { src = src || ''; var match = src.match( /.+_((?:pico|icon|thumb|small|compact|medium|large|grande)|\d{1,4}x\d{0,4}|x\d{1,4})[_\\.@]/ ); if (match === null) { return null; } else { return match[1]; } } function getSizedImageUrl(src, size) { if (size === null) { return src; } if (size === 'master') { return this.removeProtocol(src); } var match = src.match( /\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|bitmap|tiff|tif)(\?v=\d+)?$/i ); if (match !== null) { var prefix = src.split(match[0]); var suffix = match[0]; return this.removeProtocol(prefix[0] + '_' + size + suffix); } return null; } function removeProtocol(path) { return path.replace(/http(s)?:/, ''); } return { preload: preload, loadImage: loadImage, switchImage: switchImage, imageSize: imageSize, getSizedImageUrl: getSizedImageUrl, removeProtocol: removeProtocol }; })(); /** * Variant Selection scripts * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Handles change events from the variant inputs in any `cart/add` forms that may * exist. Also updates the master select and triggers updates when the variants * price or image changes. * * @namespace variants */ slate.Variants = (function() { /** * Variant constructor * * @param {object} options - Settings from `product.js` */ function Variants(options) { this.$container = options.$container; this.product = options.product; this.singleOptionSelector = options.singleOptionSelector; this.originalSelectorId = options.originalSelectorId; this.enableHistoryState = options.enableHistoryState; this.currentVariant = this._getVariantFromOptions(); $(this.singleOptionSelector, this.$container).on( 'change', this._onSelectChange.bind(this) ); } Variants.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Variants.prototype, { /** * Get the currently selected options from add-to-cart form. Works with all * form input elements. * * @return {array} options - Values of currently selected variants */ _getCurrentOptions: function() { var currentOptions = $(this.singleOptionSelector, this.$container), function(element) { var $element = $(element); var type = $element.attr('type'); var currentOption = {}; if (type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox') { if ($element[0].checked) { currentOption.value = $element.val(); currentOption.index = $'index'); return currentOption; } else { return false; } } else { currentOption.value = $element.val(); currentOption.index = $'index'); return currentOption; } } ); // remove any unchecked input values if using radio buttons or checkboxes currentOptions = _.compact(currentOptions); return currentOptions; }, /** * Find variant based on selected values. * * @param {array} selectedValues - Values of variant inputs * @return {object || undefined} found - Variant object from product.variants */ _getVariantFromOptions: function() { var selectedValues = this._getCurrentOptions(); var variants = this.product.variants; var found = _.find(variants, function(variant) { return selectedValues.every(function(values) { return _.isEqual(variant[values.index], values.value); }); }); return found; }, /** * Event handler for when a variant input changes. */ _onSelectChange: function() { var variant = this._getVariantFromOptions(); this.$container.trigger({ type: 'variantChange', variant: variant }); if (!variant) { return; } this._updateMasterSelect(variant); this._updateImages(variant); this._updatePrice(variant); this._updateSKU(variant); this.currentVariant = variant; if (this.enableHistoryState) { this._updateHistoryState(variant); } }, /** * Trigger event when variant image changes * * @param {object} variant - Currently selected variant * @return {event} variantImageChange */ _updateImages: function(variant) { var variantImage = variant.featured_image || {}; var currentVariantImage = this.currentVariant.featured_image || {}; if ( !variant.featured_image || variantImage.src === currentVariantImage.src ) { return; } this.$container.trigger({ type: 'variantImageChange', variant: variant }); }, /** * Trigger event when variant price changes. * * @param {object} variant - Currently selected variant * @return {event} variantPriceChange */ _updatePrice: function(variant) { if ( variant.price === this.currentVariant.price && variant.compare_at_price === this.currentVariant.compare_at_price ) { return; } this.$container.trigger({ type: 'variantPriceChange', variant: variant }); }, /** * Trigger event when variant sku changes. * * @param {object} variant - Currently selected variant * @return {event} variantSKUChange */ _updateSKU: function(variant) { if (variant.sku === this.currentVariant.sku) { return; } this.$container.trigger({ type: 'variantSKUChange', variant: variant }); }, /** * Update history state for product deeplinking * * @param {variant} variant - Currently selected variant * @return {k} [description] */ _updateHistoryState: function(variant) { if (!history.replaceState || !variant) { return; } var newurl = window.location.protocol + '//' + + window.location.pathname + '?variant=' +; window.history.replaceState({ path: newurl }, '', newurl); }, /** * Update hidden master select of variant change * * @param {variant} variant - Currently selected variant */ _updateMasterSelect: function(variant) { $(this.originalSelectorId, this.$container).val(; } }); return Variants; })(); /*================ MODULES ================*/ window.Drawers = (function() { var Drawer = function(id, position, options) { var defaults = { close: '.js-drawer-close', open: '.js-drawer-open-' + position, openClass: 'js-drawer-open', dirOpenClass: 'js-drawer-open-' + position }; this.nodes = { $parent: $('body, html'), $page: $('.page-element'), $moved: $('.is-moved-by-drawer') }; this.config = $.extend(defaults, options); this.position = position; this.$drawer = $('#' + id); this.$open = $(; if (!this.$drawer.length) { return false; } this.drawerIsOpen = false; this.init(); }; Drawer.prototype.init = function() { this.$open.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.$open.on('click', $.proxy(, this)); this.$drawer.find(this.config.close).on('click', $.proxy(this.close, this)); }; = function(evt) { // Keep track if drawer was opened from a click, or called by another function var externalCall = false; // don't open an opened drawer if (this.drawerIsOpen) { return; } this.$open.addClass(this.config.openClass); // Prevent following href if link is clicked if (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } else { externalCall = true; } // Without this, the drawer opens, the click event bubbles up to $ // which closes the drawer. if (evt && evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); // save the source of the click, we'll focus to this on close this.$activeSource = $(evt.currentTarget); } if (this.drawerIsOpen && !externalCall) { return this.close(); } // Add is-transitioning class to moved elements on open so drawer can have // transition for close animation this.nodes.$moved.addClass('is-transitioning'); this.$drawer.prepareTransition(); this.nodes.$parent.addClass( this.config.openClass + ' ' + this.config.dirOpenClass ); this.drawerIsOpen = true; // Set focus on drawer slate.a11y.trapFocus({ $container: this.$drawer, namespace: 'drawer_focus' }); // Run function when draw opens if set if ( this.config.onDrawerOpen && typeof this.config.onDrawerOpen === 'function' ) { if (!externalCall) { this.config.onDrawerOpen(); } } if (this.$activeSource && this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded')) { this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); } this.bindEvents(); }; Drawer.prototype.close = function() { // don't close a closed drawer if (!this.drawerIsOpen) { return; } this.$open.removeClass(this.config.openClass); // deselect any focused form elements $(document.activeElement).trigger('blur'); // Ensure closing transition is applied to moved elements, like the nav this.nodes.$moved.prepareTransition({ disableExisting: true }); this.$drawer.prepareTransition({ disableExisting: true }); this.nodes.$parent.removeClass( this.config.dirOpenClass + ' ' + this.config.openClass ); this.drawerIsOpen = false; // Remove focus on drawer slate.a11y.removeTrapFocus({ $container: this.$drawer, namespace: 'drawer_focus' }); if (this.$activeSource && this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded')) { this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); } this.unbindEvents(); }; Drawer.prototype.bindEvents = function() { // Lock scrolling on mobile this.nodes.$page.on('touchmove.drawer', function() { return false; }); // Clicking out of drawer closes it this.nodes.$page.on( 'click.drawer', $.proxy(function() { this.close(); return false; }, this) ); // Pressing escape closes drawer this.nodes.$parent.on( 'keyup.drawer', $.proxy(function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode === 27) { this.close(); } }, this) ); }; Drawer.prototype.unbindEvents = function() { this.nodes.$'.drawer'); this.nodes.$'.drawer'); }; return Drawer; })(); theme.Hero = (function() { var selectors = { hero: '.hero', heroWrapper: '.hero-wrapper', heroArrows: '.hero__arrow', heroImage: '.hero__image', heroPause: '.hero__pause' }; function Hero() { this.namespace = '.hero'; this.$hero = $(selectors.hero); this.$hero.on('init' + this.namespace, this._a11y.bind(this)); this.$hero.on('init' + this.namespace, this._arrowsInit.bind(this)); this.$hero.slick({ accessibility: true, arrows: false, // this theme has custom arrows draggable: false, autoplay: this.$'autoplay'), autoplaySpeed: this.$'speed') }); $(selectors.heroImage).on( 'click' + this.namespace, function() { this.$hero.slick('slickNext'); }.bind(this) ); $(selectors.heroPause).on( 'click' + this.namespace, function() { if ($(selectors.heroPause).hasClass('is-paused')) { this._play(); } else { this._pause(); } }.bind(this) ); } Hero.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Hero.prototype, { _pause: function() { this.$hero.slick('slickPause'); $(selectors.heroPause).addClass('is-paused'); }, _play: function() { this.$hero.slick('slickPlay'); $(selectors.heroPause).removeClass('is-paused'); }, _a11y: function(event, obj) { var $list = obj.$list; // Remove default Slick aria-live attr until slider is focused $list.removeAttr('aria-live'); // When an element in the slider is focused // pause slideshow and set aria-live $(selectors.heroWrapper).on( 'focusin' + this.namespace, function(evt) { if (!$(selectors.heroWrapper).has( { return; } $list.attr('aria-live', 'polite'); this._pause(); }.bind(this) ); // Resume autoplay $(selectors.heroWrapper).on( 'focusout' + this.namespace, function(evt) { if (!$(selectors.heroWrapper).has( { return; } $list.removeAttr('aria-live'); this._play(); }.bind(this) ); }, _arrowsInit: function(event, obj) { // Slider is initialized. Setup custom arrows var count = obj.slideCount; var $slider = obj.$slider; var $arrows = $(selectors.heroArrows); if ($arrows.length && count > 1) { $arrows.on( 'click' + this.namespace, function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if ($(evt.currentTarget).hasClass('hero__arrow--prev')) { $slider.slick('slickPrev'); } else { $slider.slick('slickNext'); } this._scrollTop(); }.bind(this) ); } else { $arrows.remove(); } }, _scrollTop: function() { var currentScroll = $(document).scrollTop(); var heroOffset = this.$hero.offset().top; if (currentScroll > heroOffset) { $('html') .add('body') .animate( { scrollTop: heroOffset }, 250 ); } }, goToSlide: function(slideIndex) { this.$hero.slick('slickGoTo', slideIndex); }, pause: function() { this.$hero.slick('slickPause'); }, play: function() { this.$hero.slick('slickPlay'); }, destroy: function() { this.$; $(selectors.heroImage).off(this.namespace); $(selectors.heroPause).off(this.namespace); $(selectors.heroWrapper).off(this.namespace); $(selectors.heroArrows).off(this.namespace); this.$hero.slick('unslick'); } }); return Hero; })(); window.Modals = (function() { var Modal = function(id, name, options) { var defaults = { close: '.js-modal-close', open: '.js-modal-open-' + name, openClass: 'modal--is-active' }; this.$modal = $('#' + id); if (!this.$modal.length) { return false; } this.nodes = { $body: $('body') }; this.config = $.extend(defaults, options); this.modalIsOpen = false; this.$focusOnOpen = this.config.focusOnOpen ? $(this.config.focusOnOpen) : this.$modal; this.init(); }; Modal.prototype.init = function() { var $openBtn = $(; // Add aria controls $openBtn.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); $('click', $.proxy(, this)); this.$modal.find(this.config.close).on('click', $.proxy(this.close, this)); }; = function(evt) { // Keep track if modal was opened from a click, or called by another function var externalCall = false; // don't open an opened modal if (this.modalIsOpen) { return; } // Prevent following href if link is clicked if (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } else { externalCall = true; } // Without this, the modal opens, the click event bubbles up to $ // which closes the modal. if (evt && evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); // save the source of the click, we'll focus to this on close this.$activeSource = $(evt.currentTarget); } if (this.modalIsOpen && !externalCall) { return this.close(); } this.$modal.prepareTransition().addClass(this.config.openClass); this.nodes.$body.addClass(this.config.openClass); this.modalIsOpen = true; // Set focus on modal slate.a11y.trapFocus({ $container: this.$modal, namespace: 'modal_focus', $elementToFocus: this.$focusOnOpen }); if (this.$activeSource && this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded')) { this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); } this.bindEvents(); }; Modal.prototype.close = function() { // don't close a closed modal if (!this.modalIsOpen) { return; } // deselect any focused form elements $(document.activeElement).trigger('blur'); this.$modal.prepareTransition().removeClass(this.config.openClass); this.nodes.$body.removeClass(this.config.openClass); this.modalIsOpen = false; // Remove focus on modal slate.a11y.removeTrapFocus({ $container: this.$modal, namespace: 'modal_focus' }); if (this.$activeSource && this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded')) { this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded', 'false').focus(); } this.unbindEvents(); }; Modal.prototype.bindEvents = function() { // Pressing escape closes modal this.nodes.$body.on( 'keyup.modal', $.proxy(function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode === 27) { this.close(); } }, this) ); }; Modal.prototype.unbindEvents = function() { this.nodes.$'.modal'); }; return Modal; })(); window.Meganav = (function() { var Meganav = function(options) { this.cache = { $document: $(document), $page: $('.page-element') }; var defaults = { $meganavs: $('.meganav'), $megaNav: $('.meganav__nav'), $meganavToggle: $('.meganav-toggle'), $meganavDropdownContainers: $('.site-nav__dropdown-container'), $meganavToggleThirdLevel: $('.meganav__link-toggle'), $meganavLinkSecondLevel: $('.meganav__link--second-level'), $meganavLinkThirdLevel: $('.meganav__link--third-level'), $meganavDropdownThirdLevel: $('.site-nav__dropdown--third-level'), isOpen: false, preventDuplicates: false, closeOnPageClick: false, closeThirdLevelOnBlur: false, activeClass: 'meganav--active', drawerClass: 'meganav--drawer', meganavDropdown: '.site-nav__dropdown', meganavLinkClass: 'meganav__link', drawerToggleClass: 'drawer__nav-toggle-btn', drawerNavItem: '.drawer__nav-item', navCollectionClass: 'meganav__nav--collection', secondLevelClass: 'meganav__link--second-level', thirdLevelClass: 'meganav__link-toggle', thirdLevelContainerClass: 'site-nav__dropdown--third-level', noAnimationClass: 'meganav--no-animation' }; this.config = $.extend(defaults, options); this.init(); }; Meganav.prototype.init = function() { var $openBtn = this.config.$meganavToggle; $openBtn.on('click', $.proxy(this.requestMeganav, this)); if (this.config.closeThirdLevelOnBlur) { this.config.$meganavLinkThirdLevel.on( 'blur', $.proxy(this.closeThirdLevelMenu, this) ); } }; Meganav.prototype.requestMeganav = function(evt) { var $targetedMeganav; // Prevent following href if link is clicked if (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } // Without this, the meganav opens, the click event bubbles up to // theme.cache.$page which closes the drawer. if (evt && evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); } var $el = $(evt.currentTarget); var anotherNavIsOpen = this.config.isOpen; var isThirdLevelBtn = $el.hasClass(this.config.thirdLevelClass); // The $targetedMeganav is different for the drawer and non-drawer navs if ($el.hasClass(this.config.drawerToggleClass)) { $targetedMeganav = $el .closest(this.config.drawerNavItem) .children('.' + this.config.drawerClass); } else { $targetedMeganav = $el.siblings(this.config.meganavDropdown); } // Navigate to link href or close menu if already active if ($el.hasClass(this.config.activeClass) && $'a')) { window.location = $el.attr('href'); return; } // If true, don't let multiple meganavs be open simultaneously if (!isThirdLevelBtn && this.config.preventDuplicates) { this.close(); } if ($targetedMeganav.hasClass(this.config.drawerClass)) { var isExpanded = $el.attr('aria-expanded') === 'true'; $el .toggleClass(this.config.activeClass) .attr('aria-expanded', !isExpanded); $targetedMeganav.stop().slideToggle(200); } else { $el.addClass(this.config.activeClass).attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); // Show targeted nav, letting it know whether another meganav is already open$el, $targetedMeganav, anotherNavIsOpen); } // Setup event handlers when meganav is open this.bindEvents(); this.config.isOpen = true; // If dropdown has third level, calculate width for container var $dropdown = $; var isCollection = $dropdown .find(this.config.$megaNav) .hasClass(this.config.navCollectionClass); if (isCollection) { this.updateThirdLevelContainerWidth($el, $dropdown); } }; Meganav.prototype.updateThirdLevelContainerWidth = function($el, $dropdown) { var $thirdLevel = $dropdown.find(this.config.$meganavDropdownThirdLevel); if (!$thirdLevel.length) { return; } $.each( $thirdLevel, function(key, container) { var $container = $(container); var $lastChild = $container.find('li:last-child'); this.updateContainerWidth($container, $lastChild); }.bind(this) ); }; Meganav.prototype.updateContainerWidth = function(container, element) { var containerRect = container[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var elementRect = element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if (elementRect.left < containerRect.right) { return; } var columnWidth = containerRect.width; var containerFixedWidth = elementRect.left + columnWidth - containerRect.left; var numberOfColumns = containerFixedWidth / columnWidth; var containerPercentageWidth = numberOfColumns * 20; container .width(containerPercentageWidth + '%') .find('li') .css('width', 100 / numberOfColumns + '%'); }; = function($el, $target, noAnimation) { var isThirdLevelBtn = $el.hasClass(this.config.thirdLevelClass); $target.addClass(this.config.activeClass); if (isThirdLevelBtn) { this.toggleSubNav($el, $target); } // Add class to override animation - CSS determined if (noAnimation) { $target.addClass(this.config.noAnimationClass); } }; Meganav.prototype.toggleSubNav = function($el) { this.removeMenuActiveState(); $el .addClass(this.config.activeClass) .attr('aria-expanded', 'true') .siblings(this.config.$meganavDropdownThirdLevel) .addClass(this.config.activeClass); $el.parent().addClass(this.config.activeClass); }; Meganav.prototype.close = function(evt, $target) { if (this.config.preventDuplicates) { // Close all meganavs this.config.$meganavs.removeClass( [this.config.activeClass, this.config.noAnimationClass].join(' ') ); this.config.$meganavToggle .removeClass(this.config.activeClass) .attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.config.$meganavDropdownContainers.removeClass( this.config.activeClass ); } else { // Close targeted nav var $targetedMeganav = $('#' + $target.attr('aria-controls')); $targetedMeganav.removeClass( [this.config.activeClass, this.config.noAnimationClass].join(' ') ); $target .removeClass(this.config.activeClass) .attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); } // Remove event listeners this.unbindEvents(); this.config.isOpen = false; }; Meganav.prototype.closeThirdLevelMenu = function(evt) { var $el = $(evt.currentTarget); var $parent = $el.parent(); if (!$':last-child')) { return; } this.config.$ 'focus.meganav', $.proxy(function() { this.removeMenuActiveState(); }, this) ); }; Meganav.prototype.removeMenuActiveState = function() { var activeClasses = [this.config.activeClass, this.config.noAnimationClass]; this.config.$meganavToggleThirdLevel .removeClass(activeClasses.join(' ')) .attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.config.$meganavDropdownThirdLevel.removeClass(activeClasses.join(' ')); this.config.$meganavDropdownContainers.removeClass(this.config.activeClass); }; Meganav.prototype.bindEvents = function() { if (!this.config.closeOnPageClick) { return; } // Clicking away from the meganav will close it this.cache.$page.on('click.meganav', $.proxy(this.close, this)); // Exception to above: clicking anywhere on the meganav will NOT close it this.config.$meganavs.on( 'click.meganav', function(evt) { // 3rd level container var is3rdLevelMenuTarget = $(evt.currentTarget).hasClass(this.config.activeClass) && $(evt.currentTarget).hasClass(this.config.thirdLevelContainerClass); // 2nd level mega link var isMegaNavlink = $( && $(; // If we click anything outside from the 3rd level megaNav, close the third level menu (except for 2nd level links) if (!is3rdLevelMenuTarget && !isMegaNavlink) { this.removeMenuActiveState(); } evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); }.bind(this) ); // Pressing escape closes meganav and focuses the target parent link this.cache.$document.on( 'keyup.meganav', $.proxy(function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode !== 27) return; this.config.$meganavToggle .filter('.' + this.config.activeClass) .focus(); this.close(); }, this) ); }; Meganav.prototype.unbindEvents = function() { if (!this.config.closeOnPageClick) { return; } this.cache.$'.meganav'); this.config.$'.meganav'); this.cache.$'.meganav'); this.config.$'.meganav'); this.config.$'.meganav'); }; return Meganav; })(); window.QtySelector = (function() { var QtySelector = function($el) { this.cache = { $body: $('body'), $subtotal: $('#CartSubtotal'), $discountTotal: $('#cartDiscountTotal'), $cartTable: $('.cart-table'), $cartTemplate: $('#CartProducts') }; this.settings = { loadingClass: 'js-qty--is-loading', isCartTemplate: this.cache.$body.hasClass('template-cart'), // On the cart template, minimum is 0. Elsewhere min is 1 minQty: this.cache.$body.hasClass('template-cart') ? 0 : 1 }; this.$el = $el; this.qtyUpdateTimeout; this.createInputs(); this.bindEvents(); }; QtySelector.prototype.createInputs = function() { var $el = this.$el; var data = { value: $el.val(), key: $el.attr('id'), name: $el.attr('name'), line: $el.attr('data-line') }; var source = $('#QuantityTemplate').html(); var template = Handlebars.compile(source); this.$wrapper = $(template(data)).insertBefore($el); // Remove original number input $el.remove(); }; QtySelector.prototype.validateAvailability = function(line, quantity) { var product = theme.cartObject.items[line - 1]; // 0-based index in API var handle = product.handle; // needed for the ajax request var id =; // needed to find right variant from ajax results var params = { type: 'GET', url: '/products/' + handle + '.js', dataType: 'json', success: $.proxy(function(cartProduct) { this.validateAvailabilityCallback(line, quantity, id, cartProduct); }, this) }; $.ajax(params); }; QtySelector.prototype.validateAvailabilityCallback = function( line, quantity, id, product ) { var quantityIsAvailable = true; // This returns all variants of a product. // Loop through them to get our desired one. for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { var variant = product.variants[i]; if ( === id) { break; } } // If the variant tracks inventory and does not sell when sold out // we can compare the requested with available quantity if ( variant.inventory_management !== null && variant.inventory_policy === 'deny' ) { if (variant.inventory_quantity < quantity) { // Show notification with error message'error', theme.strings.noStockAvailable, true); // Set quantity to max amount available this.$wrapper.find('.js-qty__input').val(variant.inventory_quantity); quantityIsAvailable = false; this.$wrapper.removeClass(this.settings.loadingClass); } } if (quantityIsAvailable) { this.updateItemQuantity(line, quantity); } }; QtySelector.prototype.validateQty = function(qty) { if (parseFloat(qty) === parseInt(qty, 10) && !isNaN(qty)) { // We have a valid number! } else { // Not a number. Default to 1. qty = 1; } return parseInt(qty, 10); }; QtySelector.prototype.adjustQty = function(evt) { var $el = $(evt.currentTarget); var $input = $el.siblings('.js-qty__input'); var qty = this.validateQty($input.val()); var line = $input.attr('data-line'); if ($el.hasClass('js-qty__adjust--minus')) { qty -= 1; if (qty <= this.settings.minQty) { qty = this.settings.minQty; } } else { qty += 1; } if (this.settings.isCartTemplate) { $el.parent().addClass(this.settings.loadingClass); this.updateCartItemPrice(line, qty); } else { $input.val(qty); } }; QtySelector.prototype.bindEvents = function() { this.$wrapper .find('.js-qty__adjust') .on('click', $.proxy(this.adjustQty, this)); // Select input text on click this.$wrapper.on('click', '.js-qty__input', function() { this.setSelectionRange(0, this.value.length); }); // If the quantity changes on the cart template, update the price if (this.settings.isCartTemplate) { this.$wrapper.on( 'change', '.js-qty__input', $.proxy(function(evt) { var $input = $(evt.currentTarget); var line = $input.attr('data-line'); var qty = this.validateQty($input.val()); $input.parent().addClass(this.settings.loadingClass); this.updateCartItemPrice(line, qty); }, this) ); } }; return QtySelector; })(); /* Allow product to be added to cart via ajax with custom success and error responses. */ window.AjaxCart = (function() { var cart = function($form) { this.cache = { $cartIconIndicator: $('.site-header__cart-indicator') }; this.$form = $form; this.eventListeners(); }; cart.prototype.eventListeners = function() { if (this.$form.length) { this.$form.on('submit', $.proxy(this.addItemFromForm, this)); } }; cart.prototype.addItemFromForm = function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if(window.BOLD && BOLD.helpers && typeof BOLD.helpers.addItemFromForm === 'function'){ BOLD.helpers.addItemFromForm(this.$form, $.proxy(function(line_item) { this.success(line_item); }, this), $.proxy(function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { this.error(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus); }, this)); return; } var params = { type: 'POST', url: '/cart/add.js', data: this.$form.serialize(), dataType: 'json', success: $.proxy(function(lineItem) { this.success(lineItem); }, this), error: $.proxy(function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { this.error(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus); }, this) }; $.ajax(params); }; cart.prototype.success = function() {'success', false, true); // Update cart notification bubble's state this.cache.$cartIconIndicator.removeClass('hide'); }; cart.prototype.error = function(XMLHttpRequest) { var data = JSON.parse(XMLHttpRequest.responseText); if (data.message) {'error', data.description, true); } }; return cart; })(); window.Notify = (function() { var notify = function() { this.cache = { $scrollParent: $('html').add('body'), $notificationSuccess: $('#NotificationSuccess'), $notificationSuccessLink: $('#NotificationSuccess').find('a'), $notificationError: $('#NotificationError'), $notificationPromo: $('#NotificationPromo'), $notificationClose: $('.notification__close'), $notificationErrorMessage: $('.notification__message--error') }; this.settings = { notifyActiveClass: 'notification--active', closeTimer: 5000, promoKeyName: 'promo-' + this.cache.$'text') }; this.notifyTimer; this.$lastFocusedElement = null; this.isLocalStorageSupported = isLocalStorageSupported(); this.cache.$notificationClose.on('click', this.close.bind(this)); this.showPromo(); }; function isLocalStorageSupported() { // Return false if we are in an iframe without access to sessionStorage if (window.self !== { return false; } var testKey = 'test'; try { var storage = window.sessionStorage; storage.setItem(testKey, '1'); storage.removeItem(testKey); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } = function(state, message, autoclose) { this.close(); if (state === 'success') { this.cache.$notificationSuccess .attr('aria-hidden', false) .addClass(this.settings.notifyActiveClass); // Set last focused element to return to once success // notification is dismissed (by timeout) this.$lastFocusedElement = $(document.activeElement); // Set focus on link to cart after transition this.cache.$ 'TransitionEnd webkitTransitionEnd transitionend oTransitionEnd', $.proxy(function() { slate.a11y.pageLinkFocus(this.cache.$notificationSuccessLink); }, this) ); // Fallback for no transitions if (this.cache.$scrollParent.hasClass('no-csstransitions')) { slate.a11y.pageLinkFocus(this.cache.$notificationSuccessLink); } } else { this.cache.$notificationErrorMessage.html(message); this.cache.$notificationError .attr('aria-hidden', false) .addClass(this.settings.notifyActiveClass); } // Timeout to close the notification if (autoclose) { clearTimeout(this.notifyTimer); this.notifyTimer = setTimeout( this.close.bind(this), this.settings.closeTimer ); } }; notify.prototype.close = function(evt) { if (evt && $(evt.currentTarget).attr('id') === 'NotificationPromoClose') { if (this.isLocalStorageSupported) { localStorage.setItem(this.settings.promoKeyName, 'hidden'); } } // Return focus to previous element if one is defined // and the user has not strayed from the success notification link if ( this.$lastFocusedElement && this.cache.$':focus') ) { slate.a11y.pageLinkFocus(this.$lastFocusedElement); } // Close all notification bars this.cache.$notificationSuccess .attr('aria-hidden', true) .removeClass(this.settings.notifyActiveClass); this.cache.$notificationError .attr('aria-hidden', true) .removeClass(this.settings.notifyActiveClass); this.cache.$notificationPromo .attr('aria-hidden', true) .removeClass(this.settings.notifyActiveClass); // Reset last focused element this.$lastFocusedElement = null; }; notify.prototype.showPromo = function(SFEevent) { // If reloaded in the storefront editor, update selectors/settings if (SFEevent) { this.initCache(); } if ( this.isLocalStorageSupported && localStorage[this.settings.promoKeyName] === 'hidden' ) { return; } this.cache.$notificationPromo .attr('aria-hidden', false) .addClass(this.settings.notifyActiveClass); }; return notify; })(); theme.Maps = (function() { var config = { zoom: 14, styles: [ { featureType: 'water', elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{ color: '#cacaca' }, { lightness: 17 }] }, { featureType: 'landscape', elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{ color: '#e1e1e1' }, { lightness: 20 }] }, { featureType: 'road.highway', elementType: 'geometry.fill', stylers: [{ color: '#ffffff' }, { lightness: 17 }] }, { featureType: 'road.highway', elementType: 'geometry.stroke', stylers: [{ color: '#ffffff' }, { lightness: 29 }, { weight: 0.2 }] }, { featureType: 'road.arterial', elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{ color: '#ffffff' }, { lightness: 18 }] }, { featureType: 'road.local', elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{ color: '#ffffff' }, { lightness: 16 }] }, { featureType: 'poi', elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{ color: '#e1e1e1' }, { lightness: 21 }] }, { featureType: 'poi.park', elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{ color: '#bbbbbb' }, { lightness: 21 }] }, { elementType: 'labels.text.stroke', stylers: [{ visibility: 'on' }, { color: '#ffffff' }, { lightness: 16 }] }, { elementType: 'labels.text.fill', stylers: [{ saturation: 36 }, { color: '#333333' }, { lightness: 40 }] }, { elementType: 'labels.icon', stylers: [{ visibility: 'off' }] }, { featureType: 'transit', elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{ color: '#f2f2f2' }, { lightness: 19 }] }, { featureType: 'administrative', elementType: 'geometry.fill', stylers: [{ color: '#fefefe' }, { lightness: 20 }] }, { featureType: 'administrative', elementType: 'geometry.stroke', stylers: [{ color: '#fefefe' }, { lightness: 17 }, { weight: 1.2 }] } ] // eslint-disable-line key-spacing, comma-spacing }; var apiStatus = null; var mapsToLoad = []; function Map(container) { theme.$currentMapContainer = this.$container = $(container); var key = this.$'api-key'); if (typeof key !== 'string' || key === '') { return; } if (apiStatus === 'loaded') { var self = this; // Check if the script has previously been loaded with this key var $script = $('script[src*="' + key + '&"]'); if ($script.length === 0) { $.getScript( '' + key ).then(function() { apiStatus = 'loaded'; self.createMap(); }); } else { this.createMap(); } } else { mapsToLoad.push(this); if (apiStatus !== 'loading') { apiStatus = 'loading'; if (typeof === 'undefined') { $.getScript( '' + key ).then(function() { apiStatus = 'loaded'; initAllMaps(); }); } } } } function initAllMaps() { // API has loaded, load all Map instances in queue $.each(mapsToLoad, function(index, instance) { instance.createMap(); }); } function geolocate($map) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var address = $'address-setting'); geocoder.geocode({ address: address }, function(results, status) { if (status !== google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { deferred.reject(status); } deferred.resolve(results); }); return deferred; } Map.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Map.prototype, { createMap: function() { var $map = this.$container.find('.map-section__container'); return geolocate($map) .then( function(results) { var mapOptions = { zoom: config.zoom, styles: config.styles, center: results[0].geometry.location, draggable: false, clickableIcons: false, scrollwheel: false, disableDoubleClickZoom: true, disableDefaultUI: true }; var map = ( = new google.maps.Map($map[0], mapOptions)); var center = ( = map.getCenter()); var enablePin = $'enable-pin'); var markerColor = $'marker-color'); var markerIcon = { path: 'M57.7,0C25.8,0,0,25.8,0,57.7C0,89.5,50,170,57.7,170s57.7-80.5,57.7-112.3C115.3,25.8,89.5,0,57.7,0z M57.7,85 c-14.9,0-27-12.1-27-27c0-14.9,12.1-27,27-27c14.9,0,27,12.1,27,27C84.7,72.9,72.6,85,57.7,85z', fillColor: markerColor, fillOpacity: 0.9, scale: 0.2, strokeWeight: 0 }; //eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: center, icon: markerIcon, visible: enablePin }); google.maps.event.addDomListener( window, 'resize', $.debounce(250, function() { google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); map.setCenter(center); }) ); }.bind(this) ) .fail(function() { var errorMessage; switch (status) { case 'ZERO_RESULTS': errorMessage = theme.strings.addressNoResults; break; case 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT': errorMessage = theme.strings.addressQueryLimit; break; default: errorMessage = theme.strings.addressError; break; } // Only show error in the theme editor if (Stacker.designMode) { var $mapContainer = $map.parents('.map-section'); $mapContainer.addClass('page-width map-section--load-error'); $mapContainer.find('.map-section__content-wrapper').remove(); $mapContainer .find('.map-section__wrapper') .html( '
' + errorMessage + '
' ); } }); }, onUnload: function() { if (typeof !== 'undefined') { google.maps.event.clearListeners(, 'resize'); } } }); return Map; })(); // Global function called by Google on auth errors. // Show an auto error message on all map instances. // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase, no-unused-vars function gm_authFailure() { if (!Stacker.designMode) return; theme.$currentMapContainer.addClass('page-width map-section--load-error'); theme.$currentMapContainer.find('.map-section__content-wrapper').remove(); theme.$currentMapContainer .find('.map-section__wrapper') .html( '
' + theme.strings.authError + '
' ); } theme.stickyHeader = (function() { var selectors = { searchCartWrapper: '#SiteNavSearchCart', stickyNavSearchCart: '#StickyNavSearchCart', stickyNavWrapper: '#StickNavWrapper', stickyBar: '#StickyBar' }; var config = { lastScroll: 0, navClass: 'sticky--active', openTransitionClass: 'sticky--open', closeTransitionClass: 'sticky--close' }; var cache = {}; function cacheSelectors() { cache = { $window: $(window), $siteNavSearchCart: $(selectors.searchCartWrapper), $stickyBar: $(selectors.stickyBar) }; } function init() { cacheSelectors(); config.isActive = false; // Clone search/cart icons into fixed nav if (cache.$siteNavSearchCart.contents().length) { cache.$siteNavSearchCart .contents() .clone() .appendTo($(selectors.stickyNavSearchCart)); } cache.$window.on('scroll.stickynav', $.throttle(15, stickyHeaderOnScroll)); } function stickyHeaderOnScroll() { var scroll = cache.$window.scrollTop(); var $el = $(selectors.stickyNavWrapper); var threshold = $el.offset().top + $el.height() + 10; // default for scrolling down // Check if scrolling up if (scroll < config.lastScroll) { threshold = $el.offset().top; } if (scroll > threshold) { stickNav(); } else { unstickNav(); } config.lastScroll = scroll; } function stickNav() { if (config.isActive) { return; } config.isActive = true; cache.$stickyBar.addClass(config.navClass); // Add open transition class after element is set to fixed // so CSS animation is applied correctly setTimeout(function() { cache.$stickyBar.addClass(config.openTransitionClass); }, 0); } function unstickNav() { if (!config.isActive) { return; } cache.$stickyBar .removeClass(config.openTransitionClass) .removeClass(config.navClass); config.isActive = false; } function unload() { $(window).off('.stickynav'); } return { init: init, unload: unload }; })(); theme.headerNav = (function() { var selectors = { siteNav: '#SiteNav', siteNavCompressed: '#SiteNavCompressed', siteNavParent: '#SiteNavParent', siteNavItem: '.site-nav__item', stickyNavWrapper: '#StickNavWrapper', stickyNav: '#StickyNav' }; var config = { lastScroll: 0, isActive: false, navClass: 'sticky--active', openTransitionClass: 'sticky--open', closeTransitionClass: 'sticky--close', searchShowClass: 'site-header__search-input--visible', searchInputClass: 'site-header__search-input', searchSubmitClass: 'site-header__search-submit', searchInnerActiveClass: 'search-header__search-inner--active' }; function init() { sizeNav(); initMegaNavs(); initHeaderSearch(); $(window).on('resize.headernav', $.debounce(250, sizeNav)); } function sizeNav() { var navWidth = 0; var parentWidth = $(selectors.siteNavParent).width(); var hideClass = 'hide'; // Set height on nav-bar wrapper so when fixed, doesn't break layout $(selectors.stickyNavWrapper).height($(selectors.stickyNav).height()); // Calculate the width of each nav item // after forcing them to be visible for the calculations $(selectors.siteNav).removeClass(hideClass); $(selectors.siteNavItem).each(function(i, el) { navWidth += $(el).width(); }); if (navWidth > parentWidth) { $(selectors.siteNav).addClass(hideClass); $(selectors.siteNavCompressed).removeClass(hideClass); } else { $(selectors.siteNav).removeClass(hideClass); $(selectors.siteNavCompressed).addClass(hideClass); } } function initMegaNavs() { new window.Meganav({ $meganavs: $('.site-nav__dropdown'), $meganavToggle: $('.site-nav__link-toggle'), preventDuplicates: true, closeOnPageClick: true, closeThirdLevelOnBlur: true }); new window.Meganav({ $meganavs: $('.meganav--index'), $meganavToggle: $('.index__meganav-toggle') }); new window.Meganav({ $meganavs: $('.meganav--drawer'), $meganavToggle: $('.drawer__meganav-toggle') }); } function initHeaderSearch() { // This function runs after the header search element // is duplicated into the sticky nav, meaning there are // two search fields to be aware of at this point. var $searchForm = $('.site-header__search'); $searchForm.each(function(i, el) { var $form = $(el); var $input = $form.find('.' + config.searchInputClass); var $submit = $form.find('.' + config.searchSubmitClass); var $searchInner = $('.site-header__search-inner'); $input.on('focus', function() { $searchInner.addClass(config.searchInnerActiveClass); $input.addClass(config.searchShowClass); }); $input.on('blur', function() { $searchInner.removeClass(config.searchInnerActiveClass); if ($input.val()) { $input.addClass(config.searchShowClass); } else { $input.removeClass(config.searchShowClass); } }); $submit.on('click', function(evt) { if ($input.hasClass(config.searchShowClass)) { return; } evt.preventDefault(); $input.addClass(config.searchShowClass).focus(); }); }); } function unload() { $(window).off('.stickynav'); } return { init: init, unload: unload }; })(); /*================ TEMPLATES ================*/ theme.customerTemplates = (function() { function initEventListeners() { // Show reset password form $('#RecoverPassword').on('click', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); toggleRecoverPasswordForm(); }); // Hide reset password form $('#HideRecoverPasswordLink').on('click', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); toggleRecoverPasswordForm(); }); } /** * * Show/Hide recover password form * */ function toggleRecoverPasswordForm() { $('#RecoverPasswordForm').toggleClass('hide'); $('#CustomerLoginForm').toggleClass('hide'); } /** * * Show reset password success message * */ function resetPasswordSuccess() { // check if reset password form was successfully submited if (!$('.reset-password-success').length) { return; } // show success message $('#ResetSuccess').removeClass('hide'); } /** * * Show/hide customer address forms * */ function customerAddressForm() { var $newAddressForm = $('#AddressNewForm'); if (!$newAddressForm.length) { return; } // Initialize observers on address selectors, defined in coinsstacker_common.js if (Stacker) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Stacker.CountryProvinceSelector( 'AddressCountryNew', 'AddressProvinceNew', { hideElement: 'AddressProvinceContainerNew' } ); } // Initialize each edit form's country/province selector $('.address-country-option').each(function() { var formId = $(this).data('form-id'); var countrySelector = 'AddressCountry_' + formId; var provinceSelector = 'AddressProvince_' + formId; var containerSelector = 'AddressProvinceContainer_' + formId; // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Stacker.CountryProvinceSelector(countrySelector, provinceSelector, { hideElement: containerSelector }); }); // Toggle new/edit address forms $('.address-new-toggle').on('click', function() { $newAddressForm.toggleClass('hide'); }); $('.address-edit-toggle').on('click', function() { var formId = $(this).data('form-id'); $('#EditAddress_' + formId).toggleClass('hide'); }); $('.address-delete').on('click', function() { var $el = $(this); var formId = $'form-id'); var confirmMessage = $'confirm-message'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert if ( confirm( confirmMessage || 'Are you sure you wish to delete this address?' ) ) { Stacker.postLink('/account/addresses/' + formId, { parameters: { _method: 'delete' } }); } }); } /** * * Check URL for reset password hash * */ function checkUrlHash() { var hash = window.location.hash; // Allow deep linking to recover password form if (hash === '#recover') { toggleRecoverPasswordForm(); } } return { init: function() { checkUrlHash(); initEventListeners(); resetPasswordSuccess(); customerAddressForm(); } }; })(); /*================ SECTIONS ================*/ theme.HeaderSection = (function() { function Header() { theme.stickyHeader.init(); theme.headerNav.init(); theme.Notify = new window.Notify(); theme.NavDrawer = new window.Drawers('NavDrawer', 'left'); drawerSearch(); } function drawerSearch() { var $drawerSearch = $('.drawer__search-input'); var $drawerSearchSubmit = $('.drawer__search-submit'); $drawerSearchSubmit.on('click', function(evt) { if ($drawerSearch.val().length !== 0) { return; } evt.preventDefault(); $drawerSearch.focus(); }); } Header.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Header.prototype, { onUnload: function() { theme.stickyHeader.unload(); theme.headerNav.unload(); } }); return Header; })(); theme.Filters = (function() { var selectors = { filterSelection: '#SortTags', sortSelection: '#SortBy' }; function Filters() { this.$filterSelect = $(selectors.filterSelection); this.$sortSelect = $(selectors.sortSelection); this.default = this._getDefaultSortValue(); this.$sortSelect.val(this.default); this.$filterSelect.on('change', this._onFilterChange.bind(this)); this.$sortSelect.on('change', this._onSortChange.bind(this)); } Filters.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Filters.prototype, { _getDefaultSortValue: function() { return Stacker.queryParams.sort_by ? Stacker.queryParams.sort_by : this.$'default-sort'); }, _onFilterChange: function() { delete; if ($.isEmptyObject(Stacker.queryParams)) { location.href = this.$filterSelect.val(); } else { location.href = this.$filterSelect.val() + '?' + $.param(Stacker.queryParams); } }, _onSortChange: function() { Stacker.queryParams.sort_by = this.$sortSelect.val(); = $.param(Stacker.queryParams); }, onUnload: function() { this.$'change', this._onFilterChange); this.$'change', this._onSortChange); } }); return Filters; })(); theme.Product = (function() { var defaults = { smallBreakpoint: 750, // copied from variables.scss productThumbIndex: 0, productThumbMax: 0, ajaxCart: false, stockSetting: false }; function Product(container) { var $container = (this.$container = $(container)); var sectionId = $container.attr('data-section-id'); this.selectors = { originalSelectorId: '#ProductSelect-' + sectionId, modal: 'ProductModal', productZoomImage: '#ProductZoomImg', addToCart: '#AddToCart-' + sectionId, productPrice: '#ProductPrice-' + sectionId, comparePrice: '#ComparePrice-' + sectionId, addToCartText: '#AddToCartText-' + sectionId, SKU: '.variant-sku', productFeaturedImage: '#ProductPhotoImg-' + sectionId, productImageWrap: '#ProductPhotoLink-' + sectionId, productThumbAllImages: '.product-single__thumbnail', productThumbImages: '.product-single__thumbnail-' + sectionId, productThumbs: '#ProductThumbs-' + sectionId, saleTag: '#ProductSaleTag-' + sectionId, productStock: '#ProductStock-' + sectionId, singleOptionSelector: '.single-option-selector-' + sectionId, coinsstackerPaymentButton: '.coinsstacker-payment-button' }; this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, { sectionId: sectionId, ajaxCart: $'ajax'), stockSetting: $'stock'), enableHistoryState: $'enable-history-state') || false, namespace: '.product-' + sectionId, imageSize: theme.Images.imageSize( $(this.selectors.productFeaturedImage).attr('src') ) }); // Stop parsing if we don't have the product json script tag if (!$('#ProductJson-' + sectionId).html()) { return; } this.productSingleObject = JSON.parse( $('#ProductJson-' + sectionId).html() ); this.addVariantInfo(); this.init(); } Product.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Product.prototype, { init: function() { this._stringOverrides(); this._initVariants(); this._productZoomImage(); this._productThumbSwitch(); this._productThumbnailSlider(); this._initQtySelector(); if (this.settings.ajaxCart) { theme.AjaxCart = new window.AjaxCart( $('#AddToCartForm-' + this.settings.sectionId) ); } // Pre-loading product images to avoid a lag when a thumbnail is clicked, or // when a variant is selected that has a variant image. theme.Images.preload( this.productSingleObject.images, this.settings.imageSize ); }, _stringOverrides: function() { window.productStrings = window.productStrings || {}; $.extend(theme.strings, window.productStrings); }, addVariantInfo: function() { if (!this.productSingleObject || !this.settings.stockSetting) { return; } var variantInfo = JSON.parse( $('#VariantJson-' + this.settings.sectionId).html() ); for (var i = 0; i < variantInfo.length; i++) { $.extend(this.productSingleObject.variants[i], variantInfo[i]); } }, _initVariants: function() { var options = { $container: this.$container, enableHistoryState: this.settings.enableHistoryState, product: this.productSingleObject, singleOptionSelector: this.selectors.singleOptionSelector, originalSelectorId: this.selectors.originalSelectorId }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-new this.variants = new slate.Variants(options); this.$container.on( 'variantChange' + this.settings.namespace, this._updateAddToCartBtn.bind(this) ); this.$container.on( 'variantPriceChange' + this.settings.namespace, this._updatePrice.bind(this) ); this.$container.on( 'variantSKUChange' + this.settings.namespace, this._updateSKU.bind(this) ); this.$container.on( 'variantImageChange' + this.settings.namespace, this._updateImages.bind(this) ); }, _updateStock: function(variant) { if (!this.settings.stockSetting) return; var $stock = $(this.selectors.productStock); // If we don't track variant inventory, hide stock if (!variant || !variant.inventory_management) { $stock.addClass('hide'); return; } if (variant.inventory_quantity < 10 && variant.inventory_quantity > 0) { $stock .html( theme.strings.stockAvailable.replace( '1', variant.inventory_quantity ) ) .removeClass('hide'); return; } if (variant.inventory_quantity <= 0 && variant.incoming) { $stock .html( theme.strings.willNotShipUntil.replace( '[date]', variant.next_incoming_date ) ) .removeClass('hide'); return; } // If there's more than 10 available, hide stock $stock.addClass('hide'); }, _updateIncomingInfo: function(variant) { if (!this.settings.stockSetting) return; var $stock = $(this.selectors.productStock); if (variant.incoming) { $stock .html( theme.strings.willBeInStockAfter.replace( '[date]', variant.next_incoming_date ) ) .removeClass('hide'); return; } // If there is no stock incoming, hide stock $stock.addClass('hide'); }, _updateAddToCartBtn: function(evt) { var variant = evt.variant; var cache = { $addToCart: $(this.selectors.addToCart), $addToCartText: $(this.selectors.addToCartText) }; if (variant) { // Select a valid variant if available if (variant.available) { // We have a valid product variant, so enable the submit button cache.$addToCart.removeClass('btn--sold-out').prop('disabled', false); cache.$addToCartText.html(theme.strings.addToCart); $(this.selectors.coinsstackerPaymentButton, this.$container).show(); // Show how many items are left, if below 10 this._updateStock(variant); } else { // Variant is sold out, disable the submit button cache.$addToCart.prop('disabled', true).addClass('btn--sold-out'); cache.$addToCartText.html(theme.strings.soldOut); $(this.selectors.coinsstackerPaymentButton, this.$container).hide(); // Update when stock will be available this._updateIncomingInfo(variant); } } else { cache.$addToCart.prop('disabled', true).removeClass('btn--sold-out'); cache.$addToCartText.html(theme.strings.unavailable); $(this.selectors.coinsstackerPaymentButton, this.$container).hide(); // Hide stock display this._updateStock(); } }, _updatePrice: function(evt) { var variant = evt.variant; if (variant) { $(this.selectors.productPrice).html( theme.Currency.formatMoney(variant.price, theme.moneyFormat) ); // Update and show the product's compare price if necessary if (variant.compare_at_price > variant.price) { $(this.selectors.comparePrice) .html( theme.Currency.formatMoney( variant.compare_at_price, theme.moneyFormat ) ) .removeClass('hide'); $(this.selectors.saleTag).removeClass('hide'); } else { $(this.selectors.comparePrice).addClass('hide'); $(this.selectors.saleTag).addClass('hide'); } } else { $(this.selectors.comparePrice).addClass('hide'); } }, _updateSKU: function(evt) { var variant = evt.variant; if (variant) { $(this.selectors.SKU).html(variant.sku); } }, _updateImages: function(evt) { var variant = evt.variant; if (variant && variant.featured_image) { var sizedImgUrl = theme.Images.getSizedImageUrl( variant.featured_image.src, this.settings.imageSize ); var largeImgUrl = theme.Images.getSizedImageUrl( variant.featured_image.src, '1024x1024' ); this.switchProductImage(sizedImgUrl, largeImgUrl); this.setActiveThumbnail(); } }, switchProductImage: function(image, largeImage) { $(this.selectors.productFeaturedImage).attr('src', image); $(this.selectors.productImageWrap).attr('href', largeImage); }, setActiveThumbnail: function($el) { var $thumbnails = $(this.selectors.productThumbs); // If there is no element passed, find it by the current product image if (typeof $el === 'undefined') { var src = $(this.selectors.productFeaturedImage).attr('src'); $el = $('.product-single__thumbnail[href="' + src + '"]'); } // Set active thumbnail class $thumbnails .find('.product-single__thumbnail-item') .removeClass('is-active'); $el.parent().addClass('is-active'); // If there is a slick carousel, get the slide index, and position it into view with animation. if ($thumbnails.hasClass('slick-initialized')) { // eslint-disable-next-line coinsstacker/jquery-dollar-sign-reference var currentActiveSlideIndex = $thumbnails.slick('slickCurrentSlide'); var newActiveSlideIndex = $el.parent().attr('data-slick-index'); if (currentActiveSlideIndex !== newActiveSlideIndex) { $thumbnails.slick('slickGoTo', newActiveSlideIndex, false); } } }, _productZoomImage: function() { if (!$(this.selectors.productFeaturedImage).length) { return; } var self = this; $(this.selectors.productImageWrap).on( 'click' + this.settings.namespace, function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); // Empty src before loadig new image to avoid awkward image swap $(self.selectors.productZoomImage) .attr('src', '') .attr('src', $(this).attr('href')); } ); this.ProductModal = new window.Modals( this.selectors.modal, 'product-modal' ); // Close modal if clicked, but not if the image is clicked this.ProductModal.$modal.on('click' + this.settings.namespace, function( evt ) { if ( !== 'IMG') { self.ProductModal.close(); } }); }, _productThumbSwitch: function() { if (!$(this.selectors.productThumbs).length) { return; } var self = this; $(this.selectors.productThumbImages).on( 'click' + this.settings.namespace, function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var $el = $(this); var sizedImageUrl = $el.attr('href'); var largeImageUrl = $el.attr('data-zoom'); self.setActiveThumbnail($el); self.switchProductImage(sizedImageUrl, largeImageUrl); } ); }, /* Thumbnail slider */ _productThumbnailSlider: function() { var $productThumbWrapper = $(this.selectors.productThumbs); if (!$productThumbWrapper.length) { return; } var thumbnailCount = $productThumbWrapper.find( this.selectors.productThumbAllImages ).length; if (thumbnailCount > 2) { $productThumbWrapper.on( 'init' + this.settings.namespace, this._productSwipeInit.bind(this) ); var nextArrow; var prevArrow; var sliderArrows = window.sliderArrows || false; // sliderArrows is an object defined in product.liquid to set custom // SVG arrow icons. if (sliderArrows) { nextArrow = ''; prevArrow = ''; } $productThumbWrapper.slick({ accessibility: false, arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: false, autoplay: false, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 3, vertical: true, verticalSwiping: true, nextArrow: nextArrow, prevArrow: prevArrow, responsive: [ { breakpoint: this.settings.smallBreakpoint, settings: { vertical: false, verticalSwiping: false } } ] }); // Show highlighted thumbnail by repositioning slider $productThumbWrapper.slick( 'slickGoTo', $productThumbWrapper.find('.is-active').attr('data-slick-index'), true ); } }, _productSwipeInit: function(evt, obj) { // Slider is initialized. Setup custom swipe events this.settings.productThumbIndex = obj.currentSlide; this.settings.productThumbMax = obj.slideCount - 1; // we need the 0-based index $(this.selectors.productFeaturedImage).on( 'swipeleft swiperight', function(event) { if (event.type === 'swipeleft') { this._goToNextThumbnail(); } if (event.type === 'swiperight') { this._goToPrevThumbnail(); } // Trigger click on newly requested thumbnail $( '.product-single__thumbnail-item[data-slick-index="' + this.settings.productThumbIndex + '"]' ) .find('.product-single__thumbnail') .trigger('click'); } ); }, _goToNextThumbnail: function() { this.settings.productThumbIndex++; if (this.settings.productThumbIndex > this.settings.productThumbMax) { this.settings.productThumbIndex = 0; } $(this.selectors.productThumbs).slick( 'slickGoTo', this.settings.productThumbIndex, true ); }, _goToPrevThumbnail: function() { this.settings.productThumbIndex--; if (this.settings.productThumbIndex < 0) { this.settings.productThumbIndex = this.settings.productThumbMax; } $(this.selectors.productThumbs).slick( 'slickGoTo', this.settings.productThumbIndex, true ); }, _initQtySelector: function() { this.$container.find('.product-form__quantity').each(function(i, el) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new QtySelector($(el)); }); }, onUnload: function() { $(this.selectors.productImageWrap).off(this.settings.namespace); $(this.selectors.productThumbImages).off(this.settings.namespace); $(this.selectors.productThumbs).slick('unslick'); this.ProductModal.$; } }); return Product; })(); theme.Slideshow = (function() { function Slideshow() { this.slideshow = new theme.Hero(); } Slideshow.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Slideshow.prototype, { onUnload: function() { this.slideshow.destroy(); }, onSelect: function() { this.slideshow.pause(); }, onDeselect: function() {; }, onBlockSelect: function(evt) { var $slide = $( '.hero__slide--' + evt.detail.blockId + ':not(.slick-cloned)' ); var slideIndex = $'slick-index'); this.slideshow.pause(); this.slideshow.goToSlide(slideIndex); }, onBlockDeselect: function() {; } }); return Slideshow; })(); theme.Cart = (function() { var selectors = { cartNote: '#CartSpecialInstructions', cartQtyInput: '.cart__quantity', cartNoCookiesClass: 'cart--no-cookies' }; function Cart(container) { var $container = (this.$container = $(container)); var sectionId = $container.attr('data-section-id'); theme.cartObject = JSON.parse($('#CartJson-' + sectionId).html()); this.init($container); } Cart.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Cart.prototype, { init: function($container) { this._initQtySelector(); this._initCartNote(); if (!this._cookiesEnabled()) { $container.addClass(selectors.cartNoCookiesClass); } }, _initQtySelector: function() { $(selectors.cartQtyInput).each(function(i, el) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new QtySelector($(el)); }); }, _initCartNote: function() { if (!$(selectors.cartNote).length) { return; } var $el = $(selectors.cartNote); var noteText; var params; var noteOffset = $el[0].offsetHeight - $el[0].clientHeight; // Auto grow the cart note if text fills it up $el.on('keyup input', function() { $(this) .css('height', 'auto') .css('height', $el[0].scrollHeight + noteOffset); }); // Save the cart note via ajax. A safeguard in case // a user decides to leave the page before clicking 'Update Cart' $el.on( 'change', $.proxy(function() { noteText = $el.val(); params = { type: 'POST', url: '/cart/update.js', data: 'note=' + this._attributeToString(noteText), dataType: 'json' }; $.ajax(params); }, this) ); }, _attributeToString: function(attr) { if (typeof attr !== 'string') { attr = String(attr); if (attr === 'undefined') { attr = ''; } } return $.trim(attr); }, _cookiesEnabled: function() { var cookieEnabled = navigator.cookieEnabled; if (!cookieEnabled) { document.cookie = 'testcookie'; cookieEnabled = document.cookie.indexOf('testcookie') !== -1; } return cookieEnabled; } }); return Cart; })(); theme.Quotes = (function() { function Quotes(container) { this.$container = $(container).on('init', this._a11y.bind(this)); this.$container.slick({ accessibility: true, arrows: false, dots: true, draggable: true, autoplay: false }); } Quotes.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Quotes.prototype, { _a11y: function(event, obj) { var $list = obj.$list; var $wrapper = this.$container.parent(); // Remove default Slick aria-live attr until slider is focused $list.removeAttr('aria-live'); // When an element in the slider is focused set aria-live $wrapper.on('focusin', function(evt) { if ($wrapper.has( { $list.attr('aria-live', 'polite'); } }); // Remove aria-live $wrapper.on('focusout', function(evt) { if ($wrapper.has( { $list.removeAttr('aria-live'); } }); }, _goToSlide: function(slideIndex) { this.$container.slick('slickGoTo', slideIndex); }, onUnload: function() { delete this.$container; }, onBlockSelect: function(evt) { // Ignore the cloned version var $slide = $( '.quote__slide-wrapper--' + evt.detail.blockId + ':not(.slick-cloned)' ); var slideIndex = $'slick-index'); // Go to selected slide, pause autoplay this._goToSlide(slideIndex); } }); return Quotes; })(); theme.Video = (function() { var promiseYoutubeAPI; var promiseVimeoAPI; var youtube = { promiseAPI: function() { if (!promiseYoutubeAPI) { var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = ''; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); promiseYoutubeAPI = $.Deferred(function(defer) { window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = defer.resolve; setTimeout(function() { defer.reject('Request for YouTube API timed out after 30 seconds.'); }, 30000); }); } return promiseYoutubeAPI; }, promisePlayer: function(id, options) { return this.promiseAPI().then(function() { return $.Deferred(function(defer) { if (typeof window.YT === 'undefined') { defer.reject( "We're sorry, something went wrong. The YouTube API has not loaded correctly." ); } /* eslint-disable no-undef */ var player = new YT.Player(id, options); // global YT variable injected by YouTube API player.addEventListener('onReady', function() { defer.resolve(player); }); setTimeout(function() { defer.reject( 'Request for YouTube player has timed out after 30 seconds.' ); }, 30000); }); }); } }; var vimeo = { promiseAPI: function() { if (!promiseVimeoAPI) { promiseVimeoAPI = $.Deferred(function(defer) { var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = ''; tag.onload = tag.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!this.readyState || this.readyState === 'complete') { defer.resolve(); } }; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); setTimeout(function() { defer.reject('Request for Vimeo API timed out after 30 seconds.'); }, 30000); }); } return promiseVimeoAPI; }, promisePlayer: function(id, options) { return this.promiseAPI().then(function() { return $.Deferred(function(defer) { if (typeof window.Vimeo === 'undefined') { defer.reject( "We're sorry, something went wrong. The Vimeo API has not loaded correctly." ); } var player = new window.Vimeo.Player(id, options); setTimeout(function() { defer.reject( 'Request for Vimeo player has timed out after 30 seconds.' ); }, 30000); player.ready().then(function() { defer.resolve(player); }); }); }); } }; var selectors = { loadPlayerButton: '.video-section__load-player-button', closePlayerButton: '.video-section__player-close', playerContainer: '.video-section__player', cover: '.video-section__cover', errorMessage: '.video-section__error', bodyOverlay: '.video-section__body-overlay', body: 'body' }; var classes = { playerLoading: 'video-section--loading', playerLoaded: 'video-section--loaded', playerError: 'video-section--error', videoPlaying: 'video-playing' }; function Video(container) { this.$container = $(container); var sectionId = this.$container.attr('data-section-id'); this.namespace = '.' + sectionId; this.onLoad(); } Video.prototype = _.assignIn({}, Video.prototype, { onLoad: function() { this.$container .on('click', selectors.loadPlayerButton, this._loadPlayer.bind(this)) .on('click', selectors.closePlayerButton, this._closePlayer.bind(this)) .on('click', selectors.bodyOverlay, this._closePlayer.bind(this)); }, _loadPlayer: function() { var $container = this.$container; var $playerContainer = $(selectors.playerContainer, $container); var playerType = this.$container.attr('data-video-type'); var promiseVideoPlayer; if (playerType === 'youtube') { promiseVideoPlayer = this._loadYoutubePlayer($playerContainer[0]); } else if (playerType === 'vimeo') { promiseVideoPlayer = this._loadVimeoPlayer($playerContainer[0]); } return promiseVideoPlayer .then(this._onPlayerLoadReady.bind(this)) .fail(this._onPlayerLoadError.bind(this)); }, _loadYoutubePlayer: function(container) { return youtube .promisePlayer(container, { videoId: this.$container.attr('data-video-id'), ratio: 16 / 9, playerVars: { modestbranding: 1, autoplay: 1, showinfo: 0, rel: 0 } }) .then( function(player) { this.player = player; }.bind(this) ); }, _loadVimeoPlayer: function(container) { return vimeo .promisePlayer(container, { id: this.$container.attr('data-video-id') }) .then( function(player) { this.player = player;; }.bind(this) ); }, _onPlayerLoadReady: function() { $(selectors.closePlayerButton, this.$container) .show() .focus(); $(selectors.cover, this.$container).addClass(classes.playerLoaded); this.$container.addClass(classes.playerLoaded); this._setScrollPositionValues(); $(selectors.body).addClass(classes.videoPlaying); $(document).on('keyup' + this.namespace, this._closeOnEscape.bind(this)); $(window).on( 'resize' + this.namespace, this._setScrollPositionValues.bind(this) ); slate.a11y.trapFocus({ $container: this.$container, namespace: this.namespace }); }, _onPlayerLoadError: function(err) { this.$container.addClass(classes.playerError); $(selectors.errorMessage, this.$container).text(err); }, _closeOnEscape: function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode !== 27) { return; } this._closePlayer(); $(selectors.loadPlayerButton, this.$container).focus(); }, _onScroll: function() { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if ( scrollTop > this.videoTop + 0.25 * this.videoHeight || scrollTop + this.windowHeight < this.videoBottom - 0.25 * this.videoHeight ) { // Debounce DOM edits to the next frame with requestAnimationFrame requestAnimationFrame(this._closePlayer.bind(this)); } }, _setScrollPositionValues: function() { this.videoHeight = this.$container.outerHeight(true); this.videoTop = this.$container.offset().top; this.videoBottom = this.videoTop + this.videoHeight; this.windowHeight = $(window).innerHeight(); }, _closePlayer: function() { $(selectors.body).removeClass(classes.videoPlaying); $(selectors.cover, this.$container).removeClass(classes.playerLoaded); this.$container.removeClass(classes.playerLoaded); $(selectors.closePlayerButton, this.$container).hide(); slate.a11y.removeTrapFocus({ $container: this.$container, namespace: this.namespace }); if (typeof this.player.destroy === 'function') { this.player.destroy(); } else if (typeof this.player.unload === 'function') { this.player.unload(); } $(document).off(this.namespace); $(window).off(this.namespace); } }); return Video; })(); theme.CollectionsList = (function() { function CollectionsList(container) { var $container = (this.$container = $(container)); var stretchImage = $'[data-stretch-image]'); // Early return if 'secondary image layout' is enabled if (stretchImage) return; var namespace = (this.namespace = '.' + $container.attr('data-section-id')); var self = this; self._collectionListFix(); $(window).on( 'resize' + namespace, $.debounce(250, function() { self._collectionListFix(); }) ); } CollectionsList.prototype = _.assignIn({}, CollectionsList.prototype, { onUnload: function() { $(window).off(this.namespace); }, _collectionListFix: function() { var numberRows = this.$container.find('.grid').data('number-rows'); var $featureCards = this.$container.find('.featured-card'); // We can exit if 'Use secondary image layout' is enabled if ($'[data-stretch-image]')) return; // Go through each of the rows for (var i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) { var maxWrapperHeight = 0; var maxHeaderHeight = 0; var $currentRow = $featureCards.filter( "[data-row-number='" + (i + 1) + "']" ); var $cardHeaders = $currentRow.find('.featured-card__header'); // Find the max heights for each row $currentRow.each(function() { var $cardTitle = $(this).find('.featured-card__title'); var $cardAction = $(this).find('.featured-card__action'); var $cardImageWrapper = $(this).find('.featured-card__image-wrapper'); var headerHeight = $cardTitle.outerHeight() + $cardAction.outerHeight() + 65; var wrapperHeight = $cardImageWrapper.outerHeight(); if (headerHeight > maxHeaderHeight) { maxHeaderHeight = headerHeight; } if (wrapperHeight > maxWrapperHeight) { maxWrapperHeight = wrapperHeight; } }); // Set the heights of the headers and cards for this row with padding $cardHeaders.outerHeight(maxHeaderHeight); $currentRow.height(maxWrapperHeight + maxHeaderHeight + 40); } } }); return CollectionsList; })(); theme.init = function() { theme.customerTemplates.init(); slate.rte.wrapTable(); slate.rte.iframeReset(); // Common a11y fixes slate.a11y.pageLinkFocus($(window.location.hash)); $('.in-page-link').on('click', function(evt) { slate.a11y.pageLinkFocus($(evt.currentTarget.hash)); }); $('a[href="#"]').on('click', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }); // Sections var sections = new theme.Sections(); sections.register('header', theme.HeaderSection); sections.register('product', theme.Product); sections.register('featured-product', theme.Product); sections.register('collection-filters', theme.Filters); sections.register('map', theme.Maps); sections.register('slideshow', theme.Slideshow); sections.register('cart', theme.Cart); sections.register('quotes', theme.Quotes); sections.register('video', theme.Video); sections.register('collections-list', theme.CollectionsList); // Standalone modules $(window).on('load', theme.articleImages); theme.passwordModalInit(); }; theme.articleImages = function() { var $indentedRteImages = $('.rte--indented-images'); if (!$indentedRteImages.length) { return; } $indentedRteImages.find('img').each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); var attr = $el.attr('style'); // Check if undefined or float: none if (!attr || attr === 'float: none;') { // Add class to parent paragraph tag if image is wider than container if ($el.width() >= $indentedRteImages.width()) { $el.parent('p').addClass('rte__image-indent'); } } }); }; theme.passwordModalInit = function() { var $loginModal = $('#LoginModal'); if (!$loginModal.length) { return; } // Initialize modal theme.PasswordModal = new window.Modals('LoginModal', 'login-modal', { focusOnOpen: '#Password' }); // Open modal if errors exist if ($loginModal.find('.errors').length) {; } }; $(theme.init);